Can You Work From Home Away From Home?

Can you work from home outside of your house? Tired of feeling cooped up in the house? Need a coffee? So why not just pack up the laptop and hotspot and head to your local coffee shop, or even your favorite book store? These are just a couple of my favorite places to go! Can you work from home outside Yes!

Coffee Shop

Many of your coffee shops now haveinternet access. So what a great idea. Free internet and an out of house experience. Even if it doesn’t have internet no proplem, just grab your hotspot and off you go! How easy can that be? The list goes on. Then go to town and see how much you can get done in a short time. You will experience all the order taking, as well as the smells of the wonderful coffee being made. I doesn’t matter if it is hot or cold. If it is Coffee or not , it’s the beverage of your choice. What else could you ask for? You will get the noise and actions from all of this. You also hear all of the noises of home, crying babies, fighting children. And it will seem that you are still in the office or at home. You are your own boss and you know what you have to do. What a life you have created for yourself!

How about the Park?

Are the kids driving you crazy? They always seem to calm down after they have been outside and realeased some of their never ending energy. No better place for that, than a park! So off we go. Plus it is someplace that they always want to go.

Have you ever been to the park and watched the children at play? They have to RUN from one piece of equipment to another. Not staying at one place very long. It doesn’t seem to matter if it’s a swing, a slide, or a mert-go-round, just to name a few. They always seem to have fun. And guess what, you have accomplished a lot, and they have had a ball. Win Win if you ask me! And you have accomplished 2 things. Your childred are happy and you have got a lot of your work done. In the enviroment of out of the house.

Did You ever Think about going to a Book Store?

Some of bookstores have a Coffee area in them. Once again you can get you favorite beverage and a favorite snack. You can purchase your favorite beverage hot or cold and a delicious snack. You can spend hours where it is quiet and you will get tons of quality work done. If you need to research something, they all have an area for that. This is also a win,win propisition!

How about a Library?

As you make your journey to the library with the children, who always need something for school. While they do their research for that special project at school, You can sneak in some work time. What fun to balance the Mom duties and also work from home.

Summer break, Now What?

How do you balance the summer months while the kids are not in school, and work? Well how about a trip to maybe the beach? It doesn’t have to be anywhere special. Maybe just a trip to a local lake. As they play in the water and are wearing themselves out. You make sure that they have plenty of sun screen on. It’s no fun to care for a child that has a sunburn. (saves a lot of tears!) You can find a place in the shade with your computer and you will be set. The kids are having a ball in the water and look what you are accomplishing.


There is a balance for a Home Working From Home mom? Yes it can be done! There are always chalanges to this situation, but it is accomplishable. The role of Mom always comes first. You are the world to your children. You want to be there for them and they want you there. Little things like loosing their first tooth, and then graduating from high school. WOW they grow up to fast! All of this and you also had time to work from home, and be the Best mom. Just think of it, You gave them the BEST, and you got the best.